"Салем" продлён на третий сезон. И создатели сериала делятся со зрителями тем, что их может ожидать.
Шокирующий момент второго сезона : Мэри Сибли жертвует собой ради спасения любимого Джона Олдена ! А ребёнок Мэри и Джона — становится Сосудом Сатаны.
Но — возможно ! — мы увидим Мэри в третьем сезоне. так же как всех, кто ушёл в ад — поскольку ад нынче и есть Салем : отца Коттона, отца Энн Хэйл, и даже доктора Уайнрайта , т.к. он-то вообще попал в ад живым.
(*перевод выполнен специально для vk.com/club47749191 )
SDCC 2015: Salem is going to Hell
Good news, everyone! Salem is officially back for a THIRD SEASON!
With the good news, the cast and crew were excited to celebrate and share with us what we should expect or hope to expect for next season.
We last left last season with Little John becoming Satan Little John, who straight up murdered Countess Marburg; Isaac becoming the Truthsayer and must battle against an enraged Mercy; Anne has Cotton under her control; Tituba was pecked to death by birds sent by Satan Little John; and our favorite couple lying in each other’s arms as Mary sacrifices herself to save John. It was a very shocking way to end the season, but don’t fret. The cast and crew gave us some hints on what to expect for their characters.
Co-creator and executive producer Adam Simon did share some juicy details of what we could see next season. Hell could be coming to Salem and we finally get to meet the people living in it. Simon explains, “I would think about everything you heard about season two about Hell and who might be in Hell. There was also a crucial line that might have been cut for length when Cotton dad comes to him and tells him that he’s in Hell. When he actually explained a little bit, Hell was basically outside of time. There was no past, present, or future. They were all there at once. That’s why he was saying to Cotton ‘You’re in Hell right now.’ So I would think about that in a sense that we already know that Cotton is in Hell; we know Wainwright is in Hell and still alive; we know Increase is in Hell; so, I might say who might else be in Hell or what part of somebody might be in Hell. There might be some digging around in hell.” He adds, “Literally, since day one, it’s been one of mine and Brannon’s dreams on this show to write this on the line, ‘Exterior: Hell. Eternal Night.’ And go there… maybe this is the season.”
But… what about our favorite characters?
With everyone who died last season coming back this past season, such as Increase and Magistrate Hale, Seth Gabel (Cotton Mather) expressed, “I think people die, but on our show that doesn’t mean they aren’t part of the story anymore. Our show is about Heaven and Hell and if someone died – my father who died in season one came back in season two. I would love for us to visit Hell – to see Hell.”
So does that mean the ones we lost this past season may make a reappearance? Janet Montgomery, whose character Mary Sibley died in the season finale, joked, “Everybody dies, but they invited me to Comic-Con, so who knows? Maybe I’m dead, maybe I’m not.”
Shane West, who plays Puritan-turned-Witch hunter John Alden, added, “Everybody dies! I die too many times already. I just realized, at the end of season one, and the end of season until she [Mary] saved me.” He turns to Montgomery, “You were so sweet to save me.”
Montgomery teased, “Well, you know. It was scripted… I wanted to do it as well.”
With Mary’s death, it was revealed that John Alden still loved Mary. “With that final scene, I feel like it was a year’s – a season’s – worth of emotion poured out into a small amount of time, but of what he was able to express to her, whether she could hear him or not, he’s open,” said West. “He’s committed at that point. They have a better shot of being together in season three than they would in season two.”
West adds, “I’m more or less interested in seeing more of where this – John and Mary – dynamic is going to go. Clearly, based off if [Mary] is alive or not, how their relationship is going to be.”
DSCN5153“I hope I’m alive,” said Montgomery, “That would be my first thing. I’m excited for a third season, because the first season, you see Mary sort of build her power and then the end of the season, she completed this Grand Rite. So the beginning of the second season, she was on top of the world apart from all that stuff with her son. But she had all that power, but you can see her decline during season two until she becomes a shell of a woman. I am interested to see how that manifests in who she is in season three. You know, if she does live or they bring her back somehow, what that means for her soul and who she is.”
Speaking of other deaths from the show, we last saw Tituba being pecked to death by crows sent by Satan Little John. With Tituba being a necromancer, there may be a chance she’s still alive. Ashley Madekwe shared her idea of how she’d like Tituba to return, “If Tituba does come back, she had her eyes pecked out. I gave an idea that she uses someone else’s eyes. Maybe she uses some animals eyes. I also pitched the idea that because Mary and Tituba have been at odds for so long, I would love for them to come across each other in the woods, both in dire need and have to be with each other. And, I thought of a spell whereby Mary has to spit in my eye sockets to grow new eyes.”
She adds what she hopes for her character for next season, “I don’t want to be blind the whole season. I want cat eyes. I asked specifically to change my familiar. I hope for a new familiar. I hope for reconciliation. I feel like for the show for my character to further, we can’t have this point of hate. Well, maybe we can. I’d like new people for Tituba to interact with. I know historically she had a husband and a child.”
As for our other favorite couple #Cotanne, we left Anne pulling a “George Silbey” on Cotton by stuffing her familiar ‘Brown Jenkins’ down Cotton’s throat to control him. Will we be seeing a season of Cotton being possessed by a rat? Gabel joked, “I’m going to keep growing my beard so it becomes whiskers.”
“I’m hoping I don’t go to a Sibley direction. I feel like it’s a different familiar the way that Cotton is possessed by the rat is going to be different than George Sibley being possessed by the toad,” said Gabel. “I’d love to see Cotton pull a rat over his own and is possessed by the rat, like in Midnight Cowboy. I’d love to go into Hell – journey into Hell. I don’t know, have some kind of rescue mission of Little John or whoever else may be dead to bring them back into the real world.”
Wait, so does that mean Little John is not dead? With his body being used by Satan, is Little John dead after all? Co-creator and executive producer Brannon Braga refused to say, “Maybe his soul is still lurking there somewhere. Maybe he’s gone forever. We haven’t decided.”
So will Little Satan John be the main villain against Mary’s coven? Braga interjected, “We look forward to adding characters. We don’t know who right now or what. It’s safe to say that the child will be a part of the show. What I don’t want viewers to think is that it’s going to be a show where a 12-year-old actor is carrying the show. It wouldn’t be logistically possible. I think of him as The Last Emperor meets The Exorcist. He’s this emperor who will make decisions as needed. He’s going to lay low. Sebastian will probably be doing his bidding.”
We last saw Sebastian allowing Mary to go off to be with John. We saw a slight change in Sebastian that actually got the audience to start liking him. From what we understood, he let Mary go because he loved her. “He did it for selfish reasons,” said Braga, “He’s a manipulative person. He knew John would be dead. When you realize when he’s dead, you’ll come back to me. He didn’t realize Mary would commit an act of self-sacrifice, an act of magic to save John. But I think for Sebastian, it was a good turn for his character because it made him a little more complicated. Make no mistake, he’s a bad guy, but it also makes him tragic. He just wants to love and be loved.”
Of course, we cannot forget about our favorite good and bad guy – Isaac the Truthsayer and newly witch-orphaned Mercy. We last left them battling it out in Salem. When asked what we could expect from Mercy next season with her crow-penis gang, Elise Eberle commented, “My character is so unpredictable and the things she has done so far are crucified, possessed, burned, bloodbaths. Whatever happens, I’m just along for the ride. Just give it to me and we’ll see how that goes.”
Iddo expressed joy for his character’s newfound role as justice-seeker, “I think Brannon and Adam gave me this opportunity in episode 11 to really kind of raise my voice beyond the volume I’m usually allowed to speak at and really say what I wanted to say – what Isaac wanted to say. So I feel like that was a moment in his life when he kind of acted courageously and didn’t care anymore – that psychologically repaired him for a little bit. At the end of the season, he lost his innocent love that really cared for him and really looked after him and saved him. And, that is a horrible thing for him. I really feel like it’s a clean slate.”
He adds, “He can almost go anywhere. The little job that Hawthorne gives him – I’d love to see him maybe even going a little bit too far in that. He may even feel like this policeman patrolling Salem. That might get into his head. He may enjoy it too much.”
So, what can we expect this coming season? “Well, I would say it’s about continuing some of the themes we commenced.” Simon hints, “So we will be continuing that and there is more Lovecraft elements that will come up because we take a lot of inspiration from Lovecraft, Poe, and the other authors that do what we try to do and which is, take that period of early American history and use it as a fantasy landscape. So there is going to be more of that. More classic monsters in that sense, but I also say more romance. Getting back to the more romantic aspect too.”
Шокирующий момент второго сезона : Мэри Сибли жертвует собой ради спасения любимого Джона Олдена ! А ребёнок Мэри и Джона — становится Сосудом Сатаны.
Но — возможно ! — мы увидим Мэри в третьем сезоне. так же как всех, кто ушёл в ад — поскольку ад нынче и есть Салем : отца Коттона, отца Энн Хэйл, и даже доктора Уайнрайта , т.к. он-то вообще попал в ад живым.
(*перевод выполнен специально для vk.com/club47749191 )
SDCC 2015: Salem is going to Hell
Good news, everyone! Salem is officially back for a THIRD SEASON!
With the good news, the cast and crew were excited to celebrate and share with us what we should expect or hope to expect for next season.
We last left last season with Little John becoming Satan Little John, who straight up murdered Countess Marburg; Isaac becoming the Truthsayer and must battle against an enraged Mercy; Anne has Cotton under her control; Tituba was pecked to death by birds sent by Satan Little John; and our favorite couple lying in each other’s arms as Mary sacrifices herself to save John. It was a very shocking way to end the season, but don’t fret. The cast and crew gave us some hints on what to expect for their characters.
Co-creator and executive producer Adam Simon did share some juicy details of what we could see next season. Hell could be coming to Salem and we finally get to meet the people living in it. Simon explains, “I would think about everything you heard about season two about Hell and who might be in Hell. There was also a crucial line that might have been cut for length when Cotton dad comes to him and tells him that he’s in Hell. When he actually explained a little bit, Hell was basically outside of time. There was no past, present, or future. They were all there at once. That’s why he was saying to Cotton ‘You’re in Hell right now.’ So I would think about that in a sense that we already know that Cotton is in Hell; we know Wainwright is in Hell and still alive; we know Increase is in Hell; so, I might say who might else be in Hell or what part of somebody might be in Hell. There might be some digging around in hell.” He adds, “Literally, since day one, it’s been one of mine and Brannon’s dreams on this show to write this on the line, ‘Exterior: Hell. Eternal Night.’ And go there… maybe this is the season.”
But… what about our favorite characters?
With everyone who died last season coming back this past season, such as Increase and Magistrate Hale, Seth Gabel (Cotton Mather) expressed, “I think people die, but on our show that doesn’t mean they aren’t part of the story anymore. Our show is about Heaven and Hell and if someone died – my father who died in season one came back in season two. I would love for us to visit Hell – to see Hell.”
So does that mean the ones we lost this past season may make a reappearance? Janet Montgomery, whose character Mary Sibley died in the season finale, joked, “Everybody dies, but they invited me to Comic-Con, so who knows? Maybe I’m dead, maybe I’m not.”
Shane West, who plays Puritan-turned-Witch hunter John Alden, added, “Everybody dies! I die too many times already. I just realized, at the end of season one, and the end of season until she [Mary] saved me.” He turns to Montgomery, “You were so sweet to save me.”
Montgomery teased, “Well, you know. It was scripted… I wanted to do it as well.”
With Mary’s death, it was revealed that John Alden still loved Mary. “With that final scene, I feel like it was a year’s – a season’s – worth of emotion poured out into a small amount of time, but of what he was able to express to her, whether she could hear him or not, he’s open,” said West. “He’s committed at that point. They have a better shot of being together in season three than they would in season two.”
West adds, “I’m more or less interested in seeing more of where this – John and Mary – dynamic is going to go. Clearly, based off if [Mary] is alive or not, how their relationship is going to be.”
DSCN5153“I hope I’m alive,” said Montgomery, “That would be my first thing. I’m excited for a third season, because the first season, you see Mary sort of build her power and then the end of the season, she completed this Grand Rite. So the beginning of the second season, she was on top of the world apart from all that stuff with her son. But she had all that power, but you can see her decline during season two until she becomes a shell of a woman. I am interested to see how that manifests in who she is in season three. You know, if she does live or they bring her back somehow, what that means for her soul and who she is.”
Speaking of other deaths from the show, we last saw Tituba being pecked to death by crows sent by Satan Little John. With Tituba being a necromancer, there may be a chance she’s still alive. Ashley Madekwe shared her idea of how she’d like Tituba to return, “If Tituba does come back, she had her eyes pecked out. I gave an idea that she uses someone else’s eyes. Maybe she uses some animals eyes. I also pitched the idea that because Mary and Tituba have been at odds for so long, I would love for them to come across each other in the woods, both in dire need and have to be with each other. And, I thought of a spell whereby Mary has to spit in my eye sockets to grow new eyes.”
She adds what she hopes for her character for next season, “I don’t want to be blind the whole season. I want cat eyes. I asked specifically to change my familiar. I hope for a new familiar. I hope for reconciliation. I feel like for the show for my character to further, we can’t have this point of hate. Well, maybe we can. I’d like new people for Tituba to interact with. I know historically she had a husband and a child.”
As for our other favorite couple #Cotanne, we left Anne pulling a “George Silbey” on Cotton by stuffing her familiar ‘Brown Jenkins’ down Cotton’s throat to control him. Will we be seeing a season of Cotton being possessed by a rat? Gabel joked, “I’m going to keep growing my beard so it becomes whiskers.”
“I’m hoping I don’t go to a Sibley direction. I feel like it’s a different familiar the way that Cotton is possessed by the rat is going to be different than George Sibley being possessed by the toad,” said Gabel. “I’d love to see Cotton pull a rat over his own and is possessed by the rat, like in Midnight Cowboy. I’d love to go into Hell – journey into Hell. I don’t know, have some kind of rescue mission of Little John or whoever else may be dead to bring them back into the real world.”
Wait, so does that mean Little John is not dead? With his body being used by Satan, is Little John dead after all? Co-creator and executive producer Brannon Braga refused to say, “Maybe his soul is still lurking there somewhere. Maybe he’s gone forever. We haven’t decided.”
So will Little Satan John be the main villain against Mary’s coven? Braga interjected, “We look forward to adding characters. We don’t know who right now or what. It’s safe to say that the child will be a part of the show. What I don’t want viewers to think is that it’s going to be a show where a 12-year-old actor is carrying the show. It wouldn’t be logistically possible. I think of him as The Last Emperor meets The Exorcist. He’s this emperor who will make decisions as needed. He’s going to lay low. Sebastian will probably be doing his bidding.”
We last saw Sebastian allowing Mary to go off to be with John. We saw a slight change in Sebastian that actually got the audience to start liking him. From what we understood, he let Mary go because he loved her. “He did it for selfish reasons,” said Braga, “He’s a manipulative person. He knew John would be dead. When you realize when he’s dead, you’ll come back to me. He didn’t realize Mary would commit an act of self-sacrifice, an act of magic to save John. But I think for Sebastian, it was a good turn for his character because it made him a little more complicated. Make no mistake, he’s a bad guy, but it also makes him tragic. He just wants to love and be loved.”
Of course, we cannot forget about our favorite good and bad guy – Isaac the Truthsayer and newly witch-orphaned Mercy. We last left them battling it out in Salem. When asked what we could expect from Mercy next season with her crow-penis gang, Elise Eberle commented, “My character is so unpredictable and the things she has done so far are crucified, possessed, burned, bloodbaths. Whatever happens, I’m just along for the ride. Just give it to me and we’ll see how that goes.”
Iddo expressed joy for his character’s newfound role as justice-seeker, “I think Brannon and Adam gave me this opportunity in episode 11 to really kind of raise my voice beyond the volume I’m usually allowed to speak at and really say what I wanted to say – what Isaac wanted to say. So I feel like that was a moment in his life when he kind of acted courageously and didn’t care anymore – that psychologically repaired him for a little bit. At the end of the season, he lost his innocent love that really cared for him and really looked after him and saved him. And, that is a horrible thing for him. I really feel like it’s a clean slate.”
He adds, “He can almost go anywhere. The little job that Hawthorne gives him – I’d love to see him maybe even going a little bit too far in that. He may even feel like this policeman patrolling Salem. That might get into his head. He may enjoy it too much.”
So, what can we expect this coming season? “Well, I would say it’s about continuing some of the themes we commenced.” Simon hints, “So we will be continuing that and there is more Lovecraft elements that will come up because we take a lot of inspiration from Lovecraft, Poe, and the other authors that do what we try to do and which is, take that period of early American history and use it as a fantasy landscape. So there is going to be more of that. More classic monsters in that sense, but I also say more romance. Getting back to the more romantic aspect too.”