Новости от группы Suzy's Field, где играют братья Джони, о песне Open Mouth в исполнении Джона. Ребята поясняют название песни )) Песня будет доступна на iTunes в понедельник.

Open Mouth - Suzy's Field (feat. Jonathan Rhys Meyers)
Available this Monday* on iTunes, Spotify, and all good online retailers.
*Dependent on iTunes internal review process

Blossom Trivia #4
The dog gracing the cover of the Open Mouth single is one of the trusty Suzy's hounds. He was found living as a tramp in North Hollywood in '08 so Jamie and the missus adopted him.
He will only respond when you call out his full name, which is Wiley Cyrus Inigo Montoya Prepare to die Jackson. His favourite smell is pee and his hobbies include terrorising, irrational bursts of fear, gnawing on his whatsit and going outside to stare at the squirrels at 4am. )))