Пресс-конференция по "Дракуле", в Лондоне, сегодня )
at London Press Conference for Dracula today.
I had the pleasure of meeting Jonny today...it's just sinking in - happy days (*Jonathan Rhys Meyers Appreciation Group )
Я поздравляю Джину , спасибо ей большое за фото с Джони, которым она так щедро поделилась. Джина, вы великолепны!, и посмотрите -- рядом с вами Джон улыбается ))
"I am aware how lucky I was to meet Jonny today he's the most charming person (the pleasure was all mine in meeting you Jonny most certainly).
Not too enamoured with posting pics of myself but here you go if only to see how wonderful Mr O'Keeffe looked today (*Jonathan Rhys Meyers Appreciation Group (Джина) )
Big thanks to @sweetlikeali on Twitter taken at the Sky Living Press Launch earlier today