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Интервью Лены Хиди:
Интервью Лены Хиди , о съёмках "Города костей", и о Серсее: "Лена говорит: «Очень неплохо провести весь день в работе с великолепно талантливыми ирландскими парнями"" (*интервью на английском и мой скромный перевод --www.proza.ru/2013/03/29/771 ).
26th March 2013
Working with gorgeous and talented Irish guys.. it’s not a bad way to spend the day
GAME Of Thrones beauty Lena Headey is one lucky lady as she gets to work with our hunkiest actors.
The talented star plays evil Queen Cersei Lannister in the sexy drama which is filmed largely in Belfast and along the northeast coast.
And although home for English-born Lena, 39, is in Los Angeles with her two-year-old tot Wylie she says hanging out with our acting talent softens the blow of being away.
The statuesque screen siren says: “I did 300 with Mr Hunky Fassbender and The Actors with Dylan Moran and I’ll be working on a new project, The Mortal Instruments, with three of your guys, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Robbie Sheehan and Aidan Turner.”
She adds that Irish beefcakes are a big draw for the hit HBO series: “That’s why we love Game Of Thrones, all the Irish men running around, from Aidan Gillen to Liam Cunningham, it’s fantastic.”
Hottie Lena adds: “Working with gorgeous talented Irish guys is not a bad way to spend the day. It must totally appear like I write it into my contract: ‘Either must have Irish actor or must be filmed there’.”
Season three of fantasy series Game Of Thrones, which tells the story of feuding families in the fictional world of Westeros and Essos, returns to Sky Atlantic on Monday night at 9pm.
Lena flies back every fortnight to see her young son. And while she says she won’t miss the long commute to LA when filming ends she will miss Belfast.
She reveals: “Belfast’s like a home from home for all of us.
“My son rarely comes over here because it’s too far for a two year-old to be bouncing across the Atlantic.
“But when he does come to stay, it’s funny to hear him ask, ‘Mum, where’s the sun?’”
There’s another reason why Lena loves Ireland — fans here don’t abuse her the way they do in the UK and US.
She laughed: “I get shouted at me, ‘You’re a f***ing b**h’ or ‘You really are a b***h because you look like one in real life.’ You know, friendly stuff like that.”
The feisty Yorkshire actress adds: “It’s only going to get worse too as in this season you see Cersei at her lowest but she is not a woman to be crossed.
“She has been broken and battered, it’s high time that she rose like a phoenix from the ashes and unleashed hell.”
Toned Lena also admits the show helps her keep in shape.
She laughs: “When you’re handed a costume that’s ultimately just rags, there’s really no better motivation to hit the gym.
“Although I do use a body double for some of the naughtier scenes.
“When you see Cersei’s bum, yeah, that’s not mine. Mine’s not half as good.”
Read more: www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/...